What parameters should I consider when purchasing a rotary encoder?

Rotary encoder design electronics must take into account these parameters of the rotary encoder. The encoder with the appropriate parameters is best used in the design of the product.Rongde Optics introduces which parameters to consider when purchasing rotary encoders?

First, the rotary encoder electrical performance, which includes the following parameters:

A, phase difference

B, the number of pulses

C, contact impedance

D, the number of positioning

E, noise

F, rated load

G, insulation resistance

H, jump to (oscillate)

I, withstand voltage

Second, the mechanical properties of the rotary encoder, this should consider the following parameters:

A, rotational torque (positioning and extraction force)

B, switch pressing pressure

C, axial push-pull strength

D, swing (axial and radial)

E, switch pressing stroke

F, thread fastening strength

Third, the reliability of the rotary encoder, this assessment of the following parameters:

A, rotation life

B, switch life

C, solderability

D, environmental experiment

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