How it compares

ROUNDSS as the Finland GRANITE DEVICES distributors will introduces the difference in four drives

Mates withLow voltage servo or stepping motors. Seemotor compatibility guide.Low voltage servo or stepping motors. Seemotor compatibility guide.Low voltage servo or stepping motor. See motor compatibility guide.High voltage servo motors. See motor compatibility guide.
MotorsAC, BLDC, DC, Linear, StepperAC, BLDC, DC, Linear, StepperAC, BLDC, DC, Linear, StepperAC, BLDC, DC, Linear
Output power

250 W passive cooling

500 W forced air cooling

250 W passive cooling

600 W forced air cooling

350 W passive cooling

800 W forced air cooling

600 W passive cooling

1800 W forced air cooling

Motor size5 – 400 W5 – 500 W20 – 700 W50 – 1500 W
Control modesTorque, Velocity, PositionTorque, Velocity, PositionTorque, Velocity, PositionTorque, Velocity, Position

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